Music has always been a big part of our family. But I never got a chance to really pursue it because life got pretty busy.  Well, here is my big splash. Now I can check it off my bucket list.

My voice is weak these days, and most of these were recorded on the first cut. So they are not perfect, and there will be no Emmys. But it was very fun.  

There are four christmas songs and ten other songs. Each group has its own section below. My granddaughter, Brooklyn, helps me introduce the christmas songs. I really recorded those for my grandmother. The rest of the songs are those that I've hummed and whistled all my life. If you don't like to listen to them, you can always play them outside to keep the crows out of your yard.

The best way to listen to them is to download them. They are free. Playing them directly after coming in from facebook sometimes doesn't work so well.

Fred Snow